
An uncommon way to learn

Whether it's the natural or social sciences, business, or education, at FLC, our approach to learning brings the classroom into the world.

Anthropology's field schools

Archaeology field school student holding an artifact

Spend a summer on an archaeological dig, or conducting ethnographic field work in East Africa. You'll learn professional methods to accompany the theory and coursework of the classroom, while contributing to actual projects.

Learn in the wildest places

Geosciences field trip to an active volcano

See the glow of molten lava under the dark of night, study the ancient layers of sandstone from a rope while your classmate holds you on belay. From international trips to active volcanoes to 30 million year-old local calderas, we bring the geosciences to life.

See the world you're studying

Students in inflatable kayaks on a Southwest river with Outdoor Pursuits

In addition to the innovative ways that our faculty bring their classrooms out into the world, at FLC you can also put your classroom in the context of the world through study abroad programs, or adventure travel with Outdoor Pursuits.

Learn to teach adventure

Adventure Ed students descending a canyon wall

Sure, you love the wild places, but it's more than that. As a student in our Adventure Education program, you will develop skills in leadership, learn how to teach outdoor skills, and gain powerful insights into yourself in the process.

Service learning

At FLC, you get to learn not just doing, but by doing good. Students intern at local non-profits, volunteer on local conservation projects, devote spring break to sustainable energy projects in low-income, rural communities, and take the summer to build essential infrastructure projects around the globe.

Village Aid Project

Design and build humanitarian projects in developing nations. Students and faculty work with communities around the globe to find sustainable solutions to critical engineering problems. You’ll learn firsthand about real-world issues, discover the richness of other cultures, and use your education to build a better world.

Engineering with purpose

The power of service

Led by six engineering students who devised this as their senior design project, a group of 14 FLC students brought solar power to a remote community in the Navajo Nation.

Solar spring break

Environmental restoration

Rooting their classroom concepts in real-world application, Environmental Studies students learn about wetlands ecosystems and environmental policy while restoring a damaged wetland in Silverton, Colorado.

Wetlands restoration story